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Christ Cares for the Church

How do you measure the value of your church?

My mother showed her love for me by doing things. She used to bake a special type of bun that we all loved. As an adult, she told me that she used to time them to come out of the oven just when we got home from school so that the aroma filled the kitchen. We would walk into the house to the beautiful smell of freshly baked bread. That is just one of many memories of things that my mother did.  

As we seek to answer the question of how we measure the value of our church I have stressed in previous videos that the measuring stick for determining the answer to that question lies in the church’s relationship with Jesus. In this video, I will consider a third aspect of that relationship. Jesus feeds and cares for His church. 

How do we see this work out in our churches? How have you experienced the care of  Jesus in your church? As you watch the video, think about ways in which Jesus has demonstrated his care for you and others in your church.

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Jesus cares

In the quote at the beginning of the video, E. Stanley Jones suggests that in the person of Jesus, the church holds within itself the “most precious, the most potent, and the most present value that this universe holds, barring none.” Whatever size a church may be, it has the same Jesus loving, transforming, and caring for it, and in that it has its value. 

  1. What are some of the ways in which we all love and care for ourselves? What does it mean for a person to love someone else as they love themselves?
  2. Consider some concrete examples of ways in which Christ has cared for your church.

Test Yourself

What are the three things that we have considered in regard to the relationship between the church and Jesus?


Christ loves the church. Christ transforms the church. Christ cares for the church.

Talk it Through

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  • Lorna Anne

    December 30, 2023 at 10:27 pm
    Rank: Level 2
    1. What does it mean to have a personal relationship with Jesus? Personal relationship with Jesus is you accepted him as your Lord and Saviour. You know him and he knows you. You have relationship with him. You have a good communication with him .there is no bridge in between .

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