Lesson 1, Topic 1
In Progress

What is this course about?

Jen June 24, 2021
Lesson Progress
0% Complete
The gospel is the good news of God’s reign! This course introduces students to the books of the New Testament by considering their content, themes and theology; grappling with their historical-cultural contexts; and exploring their place in the big story of Scripture. The goal is to encourage disciples of Jesus not only to read God’s Word, but to live it by the Spirit.
So what do we mean by New Testament?

You’re probably familiar with the New Testament, but have you ever thought about why we call it that? Or what the New Testament really is? If we really believe that the New Testament is God’s Word, that God is communicating with us through the books of the New Testament, we need to understand what it is we’re reading. That’s what this course is all about.

In this video, Jen introduces the New Testament and what to expect in this course.

Exploring the World of the New Testament

The New Testament is the continuation of God’s story in the Old Testament which points to Jesus as the climax of both Testaments. The New Testament focuses our eyes on Jesus who makes all things new and reconciles us to God.

Before watching the next video, please read Mark 8:22–9:1 and prayerfully consider the following questions:

  1. Why does Jesus touch the man two separate times instead of healing him instantly? 
  2. How does the two-stage healing of the blind man fit in the narrative sequence? 
  3. How does my understanding of the Messiah need to be healed?

Continue this course...

Find out more about the wonderful world of the New Testament with Jen!

Test Yourself

What three words help us describe what the New Testament is?


History, Literature and Theology

Talk it Through

Consider and respond to the following questions:

  1. How have you grown in your understanding of what the New Testament is and how it connects with the Old Testament? 
  2. What do you think it means for Jesus to be the Messiah?  

What will I learn ?

Course Objectives

Primary Learning Outcomes – After completing this course you will…

  • Have a growing understanding of the theology, structure, themes, and historical context of each New Testament book.
  • Appreciate the overall narrative and theology of the New Testament as the continuing story of the Old Testament and as the story we live today.

Head (Cognitive) – After completing this course you will…

  • Read the New Testament with increasing comprehension through a greater awareness of genre, the first-century context, and narrative context.
  • Hear with greater clarity the distinct emphases of each New Testament book. 
  • Be able to situate the books of the New Testament in the overarching narrative and themes of the Bible.

Heart (Affective) – After completing this course you will…

  • Desire to understand God’s Word more.
  • Recognize the value of careful biblical interpretation with reliance on the Holy Spirit.
  • Long for the reign of God to come in all its fullness, being captivated by Jesus’s good news.

Hands (Conative) – After completing this course you will…

  • Interpret the New Testament faithfully and prayerfully with attention to its historical and theological contexts and the leading of the Holy Spirit.
  • Respond in obedience to what God is  communicating through the New Testament, living as a Spirit-filled disciple who longs for Jesus’s return.

Course Ingredients

The course consists of 5 lessons

Up to 5 hours of video content

Interaction with several learning activities/quizzes

Requires completion of 1-2 assignments 
(for credentialing with ACOP or for the sake of Eston College’s future accreditation of online learning)

Some of the suggested books for this course will be available on Scribd. 
Click below for more information.