Lesson 1, Topic 5
In Progress

Encouraging Yourself in the Lord

Shenay April 4, 2023
Lesson Progress
0% Complete
Encouraging Yourself in the Lord

Our battles in life, ministry, and business are won or lost first in our minds!

In popular surveys people most fear death…. and public speaking!

The ability to encourage yourself in the Lord will distinguish you from being a ‘flash in the pan’ (i.e.- having a short speaking career then giving up) versus a person who has a lifetime of impact because you refuse to give up! In this session, we review 8 practical ways that you can grow your mindset muscle.

Because public speaking can be (and often is) quite terrifying, you need active strategies to mitigate against the stress.

In a recent Forbes article, growth as a speaker (along with learning code) was suggested as one of the best ways to advance in one’s career. Unfortunately, you do not have effective ways to overcome fear and anxiety, you will not be able to leverage the power of speaking.

ACTION STEP: What methods for encouraging yourself in the Lord have you experimented with that have helped you?


On a scale of 1-10, how much anxiety do you feel when you need to give a presentation?


Think about it.