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Intro to Pastoral Ministry

Objectives, Key Competencies & Abiding in Christ

What is the calling of a pastor?

A charismatic entertainer, a business CEO, an Internet personality, a marketable brand?  In today’s 21st century, postmodern society we need a return to a healthy Christ-centred, biblical definition of the pastor.  This course aims to do just that: it is an introduction to the breadth of pastoral life, leadership and church ministry.  It is aimed to serve as a primer for new pastors, and a refresher of the essentials for seasoned veterans.  We will explore how Jesus is the model of pastoral ministry in his threefold office as prophet, priest and king.  We will also outline the five key competencies of worship, formation, care, outreach and leadership.  Our primary focus will be to look to Jesus, and our life of abiding in Him, as the ultimate source and end of pastoral life and church ministry

In this first video, Nikolas is going to introduce our course on pastoral ministry and walk through the student outcomes from the syllabus.

More Than an Influencer

It is too easy in our modern western evangelical or charismatic churches to fail as leaders: we see moral failure, pastors consumed by worldly success, or the allure of influence and fame through internet celebrity status. We are looking to foster biblically faithful, Christ-abiding disciples of Jesus.

Discussion reflection question (150-200 word paragraph for each question, please)

  • What has been your experience of pastors in your life?
  • What would you say are the characteristics of good pastoral leaders?
  • What are some of the short-comings or pitfalls you’ve experienced in some pastors (or in yourself)?

What will I learn ?

Course Objectives

Primary Learning Outcomes – After completing this course you will…

  • Understand the various roles and issues of pastoral ministry and church leadership.
  • Gain introductory practice and experience in areas of worship, preaching, care, discipleship, outreach and non-profit organizational leadership.

Head (Cognitive) – After completing this course you will…

  • Develop a biblical and christological vision for pastoral ministry.
  • Establish effective perspectives on five key competencies of pastoral ministry. 
  • Understand the threefold office of Christ and the threefold nature of pastoral leadership.

Heart (Affective) – After completing this course you will…

  • Appreciate the difficulty and struggle of pastoral ministry
  • Discern the relational dynamics of pastoral ministry, personal brokenness and identity.
  • Consider one’s own vocational calling as it relates to church leadership.

Hands (Conative) – After completing this course you will…

  • Learn the introductory basics of expository sermon crafting. 
  • Learn the introductory basics of leading baptism and communion, 
  • Learn the introductory basics of preparing weddings and funerals.
  • Learn the introductory basics of church governance.
  • Learn how to fashion policies, budgets and meeting agendas.

Course Ingredients

The course consists of: 

6 lessons

Up to 5 hours of video content

Interaction with several learning activities/quizzes

Requires completion of 1-2 assignments
(For credentialing with ACOP or for
Eston College’s future accreditation of online learning)

Some of the suggested books for this course will be available on Scribd. 
Click below for more information.