Lesson 1, Topic 4
In Progress

Jesus’ Threefold Office II

Nikolas January 20, 2023
Lesson Progress
0% Complete
Threefold Office

Part Two

The Priestly Task of Prayerful Presence

What is the priestly task of the pastor?

In the Heidelberg Catechism from the Protestant Reformation, Christians learned to proclaim their faith using threefold language:

“Because by faith I am a member of Christ, and thus a partaker of His anointing, in order that I also may confess his Name (the prophetic role), may present myself a living sacrifice (the priestly role) and fight against sin and the devil in this life, and in eternity rule with Him (the kingly role).”

In this fourth video, Nikolas continues unpacking the threefold office of Jesus (Prophet, Priest & King) as a pattern for our own pastoral ministry as we follow him.

Discussion reflection question (150-200 word paragraph for each question, please)

The priestly office of Jesus is reflected in the Christian’s task to minister reconciliation and loving presence to others. How do pastors lead in this area of ministry?

Test Yourself

The priestly work of Jesus involves what central act?


Jesus reconciles us to God through the cross
(2 Cor. 5:17-21)