The Divine Exchange
How can we strive for a deeper spiritual life without falling into legalism or self-reliant, works-based burnout?
There is a divine exchange that happens as we combine our efforts to love God and expand His Kingdom. God does not want us to merely use the fuel of our own efforts to somehow work our way into sanctification, anointing, or intimacy with Him. On the contrary, the New Testament is clear that the Holy Spirit provides supernatural “energy” for us to put the word of God zealously and joyfully into action.
Is it the empowerment of God or our own endeavours that make us grow spiritually?
Is it my effort or God's grace that leads to spiritual growth and kingdom advancement?
Yes! As explained in this video, we draw on the empowerment and the energy that God provides through grace to act. This is not like the world’s slogans of self-reliance and grit; it is radical dependence on the Holy Spirit and faithful obedience to the simple words of Christ. Philippians 2.12-13 tells us to “work out (energeia) our salvation… for it is God working (energeia) in you.”
Can you think of ways this God/you dynamic has worked in your personal history?
Consider the following response:
Read Philippians 2:12 and 1 Corinthians 15:10 and consider what this means for your faith-life using the Discover, Share, Obey approach. Share your reflections in a paragraph.