Lesson 1, Topic 4
In Progress

The Modern Pentecostal Movement

Wes August 9, 2021
Lesson Progress
0% Complete
The Modern Pentecostal Movement

The Moving Factors

If Pentecost continued from Acts 2 until now, why do we talk about the Pentecostal Movement of the 20th century?

Even though we have now seen the outpouring of the Holy Spirit throughout history since the Apostles, we still note that there was something about the 20th century that makes it stand out as the “Century of the Holy Spirit.” In the 20th century, there were numerous events and movements known as Pentecostal and/or Charismatic, which have continued into the 21st century. 

What made the 20th century different than those that preceded it? And how did these events and movements come about?

Where do you see God at work in all these factors?

There were many factors that gave rise to the Modern Pentecostal Movement. Some of these were historical and cultural — the movements towards racial unity and gender equality around the turn of the century. Some of these were theological — renewed interest in the biblical evidence of the Baptism of the Spirit. Some people even claimed there were natural factors — like the San Fransisco earthquake of 1906. Many of the factors appear to be directly linked, like dominoes — such as Charles Parham’s assignment about speaking in Tongues, which influenced William Seymour’s sermon at Azusa Street. Some factors — like Pope Leo’s prayer “Come, Holy Spirit,” — appear indirectly linked. 

Whatever way one accounts for these factors, something significant was happening in the decades around the turn of the 20th century, paving the way for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. 

Test Yourself

Who was known as the father of the Modern Pentecostal Movement?


Charles Parham

Talk it Through

Home Forums 1.4 Factors That Gave Rise to the Modern Pentecostal Movement

  • Curtis

    September 1, 2021 at 8:01 pm

    I agree with his statement always tell people about Jesus but if someone asks about tongues one can show them from the Bible that it is for today.

    • ECO

      September 1, 2021 at 8:47 pm

      The point, if I understand Seymour right, is that Jesus always comes first. We don’t focus on the Spirit, because the Spirit doesn’t focus on himslef. Someone once said the Holy Spirit is the shy member of the Trinity. His goal is not to draw attention to himself, but to point people to Jesus. It is memorably said this way: “The Spirit has a spotlight ministry.”

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