Lesson 1, Topic 3
In Progress

Pentecost After the Apostolic Era

Wes August 9, 2021
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0% Complete
Pentecost After the Apostolic Era

Holy Spirit at Work

God's Spirit is still at work in our world

There has been evidence of the Holy Spirit poured out in all ages and times, at least somewhere in the body of Christ, since the time of the Apostles!

Healings, exorcisms, and validating signs and wonders continue to be experienced in the church. Just as miracles and wonders added to the credibility of the first-century apostles, so they continue to draw unbelievers into the Christian fold

After the Apostolic era, does it seem other Christians witnessed the outpouring of the Holy Spirit?

Even Augustine, who died a full 400 years after Christ and even today remains the most highly regarded Christian theologian of the early church, talked about the baptism of the Holy Spirit and the reality of the spiritual gifts.  Through the middle ages, many well-respected Christian monks and mystics lived their Christian lives with this assumption as well. Even in the more recent centuries, just before the rise of “Pentecostalism” in the 20th century, history records many revivals that were a result of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and included the use of spiritual gifts and speaking in tongues. 

Test Yourself

According to history, when was the major "silent age" where there were no evidences of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit within the Church?


There was no such silent age!

Talk it Through

Home Forums 1.3 Pentecost After the Apostolic Era

  • Cameron

    October 3, 2022 at 3:06 pm

    There are great stories of how the devotion of the church has allowed the church to continue to exist today. However, I do find that, though very honorable in the actions of the people, the people tend to get praise rather than God. From what I have experienced in many churches is that there is not enough Holy Spirit-led moments or area where the Holy Spirit can even be seen. The church needs to wake up and let the Holy Spirit move.

  • Caleb

    October 3, 2022 at 1:57 pm

    It seems that in the modern day the presence of cessationism in the church has become more outspoken alongside the acknowledgement of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. There is such a rich history of miracles, signs and spiritual gifts throughout all of church history, not just the apostolic age. With better historical accounts in recent years of the church’s growth there are even more examples of Spiritual Gifts present then there have ever been. If God is still alive and pouring out his Spirit to this day, just think about how much he poured out his Spirit throughout the history between the apostolic age and recent years that was forgotten or was left unrecorded.

    On the flip side, cessationism is probably more prevalent for the same reasoning. History closer to the present is history less forgotten about. with recorded prevalence of the Holy Spirit being poured out, naturally the doubters of that pouring out of the spirit are also going to be making their point loud and clear. There will always be doubters and excuse for the supernatural, but God will do what he wants for his people.

  • Kylie

    October 3, 2022 at 12:05 pm

    What stands out to me the most is how much God loves His people and has demonstrated it throughout the ages through the pouring out of His Spirit. Also the idea of individual’s response of feeling that much closer to God through these encounters with His Spirit. I also enjoy thinking about revival messages and passionate speakers being given in old language style, but that is a side note. God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow and the expression and outpouring of His Spirit should then also be this way as Holy Spirit is God. God’s mission of the world has always been the big redemption story and bringing His people back to His heart in love and worship of Him. The outpouring of His Spirit brings His people closer to Him and reminds us of the redemption piece as we are reminded that He is allowing us in His presence in this way. The veil was torn and His Spirit is being poured out on His people and it adds to the big biblical story back then and also today onward.

  • Cailey

    June 29, 2022 at 12:04 pm

    To me, what stood out in this section is that God wants a relationship with us! It shows throughout history, all the way up until today that God wants us to experience supernatural experiences that will bring us closer to him.

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