Pentecost After the Apostolic Era
Holy Spirit at Work
God's Spirit is still at work in our world
There has been evidence of the Holy Spirit poured out in all ages and times, at least somewhere in the body of Christ, since the time of the Apostles!
Healings, exorcisms, and validating signs and wonders continue to be experienced in the church. Just as miracles and wonders added to the credibility of the first-century apostles, so they continue to draw unbelievers into the Christian fold
Origen of Alexandria, 3rd Century AD
After the Apostolic era, does it seem other Christians witnessed the outpouring of the Holy Spirit?
Even Augustine, who died a full 400 years after Christ and even today remains the most highly regarded Christian theologian of the early church, talked about the baptism of the Holy Spirit and the reality of the spiritual gifts. Through the middle ages, many well-respected Christian monks and mystics lived their Christian lives with this assumption as well. Even in the more recent centuries, just before the rise of “Pentecostalism” in the 20th century, history records many revivals that were a result of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and included the use of spiritual gifts and speaking in tongues.
Test Yourself
Talk it Through
What stands out to me the most is the exuberance and boldness of expression. This relates to me how God wants us to experience His kingdom in every way. As well it compels me to step out of my comfort zones and yield to the expressions one would feel through the Holy Spirit eg. Joy, grief, peace, boldness. To me this says God wants to be ever more apart of our life in every faucet of life.
What stands out to me, is how speaking in tongues has continued since Pentecost. It has been well documented during big movements/revivals in Christian history.
It reminds me of God’s unchanging nature and his unwavering faithfulness to his people. When we seek to know him and experience his transformation, he will show up in power and in glory!
His mission hasn’t changed the Holy Spirit is the same today as it was yesterday. If they needed Him then we really need His help now
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