Discerning and Stewarding Your Call

Have you ever struggled to know what a “call” is? Or struggled to know how to develop in your call? Os Guinness says, “There is no calling without a Caller.” Are all people called? Or is it a select group of people who are called? Together we will discover calling through biblical accounts and work to lay a foundation to steward the call God is birthing in us. Request more information about this course.
Chris · August 16, 2021

About Instructor


Pastor Chris Westby is the Lead Pastor of Sonrise Church in Surrey, BC. He holds a Master’s Degree in Leadership and Management and is a graduate of the Arrow Leadership program. Pastor Chris is a gifted teacher of the Word of God and does so in a way that is accessible for everyone. He is an ordained minister of the Apostolic Church of Pentecost of Canada.

1 Course

+108 enrolled
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Course Includes

  • 5 Lessons
  • 22 Topics
  • 6 Quizzes
  • Course Certificate