Lesson 1, Topic 4
In Progress


Wes March 2, 2022
Lesson Progress
0% Complete

credibility and accountability

Credentialing helps ensure that ACOP leaders are credible, accountable, and fully committed.

"When I think of being credentialed, I think of the NHL draft and how when they bring somebody onto a team, they give them a jersey and the player pulls it on...it feels like to me, credentialing is like pulling on the jersey and saying "I'm in, I'm part of this team."


  1. It helps ensure that ACOP has credible leaders.
  2. It helps keep our leaders accountable to a body of believers.
  3. It helps formalize/define our relationships and shows that our leaders are fully committed. 

Test Yourself

There are 4 categories of membership in ACOP
What are they?



Talk it Through

Home Forums Credentialing in ACOP

  • Taliya

    May 17, 2023 at 1:27 pm

    Defining your relationship with ACOP is a great way to be on the same page. This is important as it avoids unrealistic expectations and allows for clarity. Defining the relationship and being on the same page also helps some of the details of ministry to fall into place.

    Some benefits of holding credentials with ACOP would be being recognized by the organization as a missionary (in my case) and having access to supports in many areas such as planning, direction in fundraising, clarifying roles, wisdom and mentorship, accountability, and connections.

  • Sarah

    May 16, 2023 at 3:23 pm

    I believe the benefits of holding credentials with the ACOP are in recognition, definition, and accountability. Credential holders in the ACOP are recognized as part of the family, but also are recognized in their gifts and the calling on their life. Credentialing also reminds me of baptism in that it is sort of a public declaration of definition of what you believe and stand for, and that the mission, values, vision, and statement of faith of the ACOP are what you support. Additionally, I think there is huge value in the accountability and support that comes to ministers who are part of the ACOP.

  • Allan

    January 7, 2023 at 2:57 pm

    Having credentials with Any group provides a way of accountable ministry. You can literally do ministry for years with no umbrella and realize how much help you need from a bigger network to move forward

  • Caleb

    October 6, 2022 at 11:04 am

    I think credentialing is important in ACOP because it takes away any confusion and lets the community know that you are a team player. As a credential holder, you either hold the same values as the fellowship, want to see the fellowship flourish through ministry, or better yet both! the fellowship can then look to you and know they can trust you in your ability to minister to others, and trust is a very important thing when it comes to leadership. you should also get credentials with ACOP because it gives you a shoulder to lean on. You can ask for advice, meet other people in your situation, and others can come along side you in your ministry to make sure things are on track.

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