Lesson 1, Topic 5
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Azusa Street

Wes August 9, 2021
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Azusa Street & ACOP Legacy

Ripple Effects

What does Los Angeles have to do with Winnipeg? 

The Pentecostal Movement that sparked in Kansas, Texas, and Los Angeles, quickly began catching fire around the globe. In this session, we will track the way revival travelled from Azusa Street in Los Angeles, through Chicago, to Winnipeg in a few short years. 

In the video, watch for how these names connect: Seymour, Durham, Argue, Small. 

How amazing is the spread of the Holy Spirit's work across countries!

One way to look at the spread of the Holy Spirit’s work from Azusa to ACOP is through these key figures: From William Seymour, to William Durham, to Andrew Argue, to Franklin Small. But Wes pointed out another significant aspect that paved the way for revival to spread: the seasons of prayer that preceded the revivals in each city and church.

What do you notice about the way the movement of the Holy Spirit literally moves across geography, as recounted in this video?

"Jesus should not be slighted… by the exaltation of the Holy Spirit and of the gifts of the Spirit. There seemed to be a great danger of losing sight of the fact that Jesus was all in all.... The Holy Spirit is given to show us the things of Christ. The work of calvary, the atonement, must be the center of our consideration. The Holy Spirit never draws our attention from Christ to himself, but rather reveals Christ in a fuller way. We are in the same danger today. ”

Test Yourself

Can you list the four names and the three cities associated with those names, that form the link from Azusa to ACOP?


William Seymour from LA; William Durham from Chicago; Andrew Argue from Winnipeg; Franklin Small from Winnipeg

Talk it Through

Home Forums 1.5 Azusa Street & ACOP Legacy

  • Kylie

    October 3, 2022 at 2:10 pm
    Rank: Level 1

    Both of these quotes have in common the importance of Jesus at the center of it all. Our view of Holy Spirit and the giftings given unto us by His Spirit are to draw us closer to Jesus and to empower us in sharing Jesus with others. During the 21 days Argue waited he first encountered Jesus and then he was baptized in the Spirit and gifted with tongues, if he had been baptized in the Spirit first do you think he would have continued to press in and encounter Jesus as he did? I mean, I hope so. This is what these quotes want to emphasize, what our heart is truly desiring in view of what it should be ultimately pursuing, which is to know Jesus deeper and better. Holy Spirit (also called the Helper) helps us to see and know Jesus, Holy Spirit puts the spotlight on Jesus.

  • Rachel

    October 3, 2022 at 2:38 pm
    Rank: Level 1

    These quotes are almost saying the same thing. Like Wes said, “The Holy Spirit reveals Jesus in a deeper way.” Holy Spirit does not take away from Jesus but instead adds pieces to the puzzle. Bartleman discusses the danger of taking Jesus away from the center of it all. That is how revivals fall apart and leave wounds in peoples hearts. Jesus needs to be the focal point.

  • Caleb

    October 3, 2022 at 2:59 pm
    Rank: Level 1

    Seeking out Jesus is what the Holy spirit has come to help us do. Holy Spirit baptism and the gifts of the Spirit all reflect the authority, love and sacrifice of Jesus for us. God wants to have a relationship with us, and the Holy Spirit indwelling is a sign of his love and longing for us. Holy Spirit points us to the sacrificial lamb that was given for us to be with God for eternity. If the Holy Spirit ever strays away from Jesus and his love, it’s not the Holy Spirit we are listening to. as Jesus says in John:

    “when the Advocate comes, whom I will send to you from the Father- the Spirit of truth who goes out from the father-he will testify about me.” John 15:26

  • Nate

    February 1, 2023 at 11:31 am
    Rank: Level 1

    When it comes to revival or any other time in which the Holy Spirit moves in miraculous ways it is so easy to focus on that and the feelings it can ellicit, rather than leading us closer to Christ. These quotes remind us that we must remember that all of these things ought to point us to greater knowledge of Christ. Messages in tongues must be interpreted so God’s message is known, supernatural healing must lead to greater praise of God, etc. God is so good to give us these great experiences, but we also must not make them our only focus, rather than focusing on the knowledge of Christ

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