Home Forums Pentecostal Theology What is Pentecostalism

  • What is Pentecostalism

    Posted by ECO on November 1, 2022 at 4:22 pm

    Answer the following questions in a paragraph.

    1. What, in your mind, is the most critical Pentecostal distinctive? Would you personally identify eschatology, Spirit baptism, healing, or another topic of interest?
    2. Do you find the common distinction between classical, denominational Pentecostalism and the wider charismatic movement a helpful one? Should Pentecostalism be perceived primarily as a denomination/movement or as an experience?
    David replied 10 months ago 4 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • David

    May 8, 2024 at 8:42 pm

    I believe the most critical distinctive part of Pentecostalism, is the expectation of a daily encounter with Holy Spirit. As Christ followers, open to relationship with Holy Spirit, we seek a daily encounter with Holy Spirit, seeking His empowerment to carry out the call of God on our lives. Like Amanda and Jared, I believe spiritual baptism occurs after being born again in Christ. Not earned but simply sought after as a gift given to empower us for mission.

    I personally do not believe pentecostal was meant to be a denomination, but the fulfillment of the Prophecy given by the prophet Joel. It was meant as an abiding gift to help the church in the last days. However, and unfortunately not everyone agrees with this. So today we have Pentecostal denominations. Something God has used in building His Church.

    So yes, today when looking at the Pentecostal movement, we should see it primarily as a denomination.

  • Jared

    March 13, 2024 at 8:35 pm
    1. Pre-conversion Jared would say the most critical distinction is the talk of, the seeking after, and the proclamation of the works of the Holy Spirit. Post-conversion Jared would say the same thing oddly enough.
    2. I find the distinction to perhaps be somewhat dismissive to other denominations in regard to an experience with the Holy Spirit. However I will admit that it feels more likely that someone will experience/witness the presence of the Holy Spirit within the Pentecostal movement.
  • Amanda

    February 20, 2023 at 1:32 pm

    The most critical distinctive when speaking about Pentecostalism, to me, is Spiritual Baptism. Spiritual Baptism is proof of the transformation that occurs after being born again in Christ. It is a unique experience borne from the direct, Creator-to-Creation relationship that is central to a Pentecostal Christian life. I personally do find the distinction between classical Pentecostalism and the wider charismatic movement to be a helpful one. That being said, I also think that to call Pentecostalism simply a denomination is to weaken the testimony of an encounter with the Holy Spirit. While I do believe that Pentecostalism should be viewed as its own denomination of Christianity, additionally describing it as an experience is more accurate.

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