Home Forums ACOP Vision and Culture The White Paper on Human Sexuality

  • Lorna Anne

    April 25, 2024 at 5:05 pm
    • Why was it important for ACOP to develop a white paper on human sexuality?
    • Which affirmations regarding human sexuality stand out to you as most meaningful in our culture today?

    It is important to ACOP to develop a white paper of human sexuality as a guidance, based of our Christian belief. It is ACOP affirmations on what we view of Human Sexuality.

    It really stand out the most is "It is the affirmation and a good way to approach with grace , love, and hope. Affirming that we should love all people as ourselves". And "we affirm the traditional view of scripture that homosexual acts are outside Gods intended plan and therefore sinful". A very clear explanation.

  • Melany

    December 26, 2023 at 1:24 pm

    It’s important because sexuality is an area the devil is attacking and creating total havoc in right now.. so being clear about the stance of APOC on this topic is very important.

    I think loving people as ourselves stands out the most. It’s very easy to fall into a judgmental and critical role of those living sinful lives due to sexual choices they make. Keeping loving people/the central message of the Gospel is very helpful in trying to avoid falling into that and approaching issues with the wrong heart, especially when those we are counseling are family/loved ones.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    June 20, 2023 at 12:27 pm

    ACOP is responding to the changes in our culture and it is important that as our Canadian culture changes we may need to develop other white papers along the way to deal with new issues as they arise. The affirmation that we should love all people as ourselves is meaningful because the way that we are drawn to Jesus is the first time is through love. If we truly love others, then they will see the love of God through us and it opens the door for them to experience His love which is far greater than any love that can be found in our world.

  • Chris

    June 8, 2023 at 2:34 pm

    I believe that it was important for ACOP to develop a white paper on human sexuality, as sexuality is seemingly more prevalent in our current culture than ever before, and therefore, something the Church will have to face.

    I think the affirmation stating that we should love all people as ourselves stands out to me as being most meaningful. I also like the quote that states the importance of teaching with the heart of the Gospel and the heart of redemption and feel that the two are intrinsically linked.

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