Home Forums Intro to Pastoral Ministry The Table: A Theology of Communion

  • Lorna Anne

    December 4, 2023 at 7:35 pm

    Communion is about gathering together in Jesus table. Reminding us of the forgiveness we experienced through Christ.

    Communion takes place with a humble heart and not JUST " pretending" to be right with God.
    Communion won't take away our sin and guilt.

    Don't come to the table when your heart are separate from others by some kind of pride, unforgiveness in your heart.

    Before taking communion, we need to have a forgiving heart. Lord created me a clean heart oh God and renew the right spirit within me.

    1 John 1:9.

  • Abayomi

    July 15, 2023 at 5:29 pm

    Communion service is one of the most essential practices in the church.

    It is commanded by Jesus and is a crucial act of remembrance in the life of the church.

    It points one to Jesus.

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