
  • Jaylen

    November 18, 2024 at 5:28 pm

    The T4T process reminds me that Church is not such a massive and daunting word. Its structure is simply laid out by this method, and built on relatively simple principles. We should Look Back so that we can learn from history, either our own or other peoples. We should Look Up because that’s all about making sure we are doing everything with our eyes set on God (arguably this is the most important part). Looking Forward keeps us active and moving, making sure that we are seeking to improve ourselves and multiply ourselves- so that nothing is stagnant and nothing dies out.
    I think these are the fundamentals of the Church in the same way these are fundaments of Christian life. T4T has laid them out so well and I appreciate the structure it brings because it reminds the reader that things are more attainable than we might think.

  • Taliya

    April 10, 2024 at 11:53 pm

    The T4T structure being so dependable and reproducible stands out to me. A lot of people in the west may think starting a church is very out of their league or unattainable, but the simple structure of T4T is encouraging! I can see myself implementing the look back, look up, look forward process. Looking back is a great accountability practice. Looking up is obviously crucial to all of this, and looking forward further builds that accountability and provides opportunity to obey the Scripture and share the gospel. all together, it builds strong community!

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