Home Forums Pentecostal Theology The Global Future of Pentecostalism

  • The Global Future of Pentecostalism

    Posted by ECO on November 20, 2022 at 4:51 pm

    Share your final thoughts here:

    1. Why do you believe, despite the deep roots that Pentecostalism has in North America, that the movement is no longer spreading rapidly here yet remains exceedingly popular in other areas of the globe?
    2. What kind of developments Pentecostal theology and biblical scholarship do you expect to witness in the future, given the current geographic and demographic changes thaty the movement is currently witnessing?
    Amanda replied 9 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Amanda

    June 11, 2024 at 12:52 pm
    1. I think a big part of why the movement seems to be tapering off here in Canada/North America is just that people are moving further and further away from organized religion in general around here. We're at that point in "self-actualization" if you will, where our society is focused on self-improvement and introspection rather than looking to God. It's the same reason that there are so many cultural and political changes, too, really – we've reached a point as a developed society where daily life looks different than it once did. In other areas of the globe, that might not be as true. There might be more of a need for physical healing, for example, that is a more constant reminder of the power of God and importance of experiencing Him.

    2. I think we can expect to see changes in the overall number of attendees in North America soon. People are already returning to the Lord. I think we will see revival in the church as we move forward, but I also think that there is potential for corruption of the gospel, too. People want to make things as palatable as they can for others, and I do worry about Christianity being changed and watered down in order to suit the demands of the congregants. Maybe I'm just being judgmental, though.

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