Home Forums ACOP Vision and Culture The Ethos of ACOP

  • Chris

    June 12, 2023 at 5:45 am

    I think any factors that prevent us from walking in unity are what pollutes the church – things like pride, gossip, unforgiveness, and offense.

    One word that comes to mind to describe the ethos of ACOP is relationship. The leadership is based on relationship, as opposed to position and there is a sense of the leadership truly wanting to support the members to be able to succeed in their purpose. I also like how Rod Barks talked about putting on the jersey and becoming a part of the team – again, a relational focus.

  • Taliya

    May 29, 2023 at 2:58 pm

    Lack of trust, lack of integrity, insincerity, and abuse of power are all things that I’ve seen pollute the environment of an organization.

    Thankfully I don’t see that in ACOP. I would describe the ethos of ACOP to be passionate and wise. A lot of people within this organization are so on fire for God and so passionate about the call on their life. A lot of times passion can run away on people and become very chaotic, which is why I also included wisdom as something I see in the ACOP ethos. Within pursuing the passions God has put on the hearts of members of ACOP, there is structure and guidance and wisdom in those pursuits. It does not squander peoples calling, but rather the wisdom I see in ACOP helps guide people to follow the call on their life efficiently and with accountability and prayerfully.

  • Sarah

    May 17, 2023 at 6:04 pm

    I think when we put program or reputation over people that can really pollute an organization. When we forget, especially as people in ministry, that our goal is not to be the best fellowship, the best church, the most effective minister etc. we get into dangerous territory. Our goal is to multiple and empower people in order to further the kingdom of God, and when we have that in mind we are supportive of one another, but when it becomes about program or placement, it becomes competitive rather than cooperative.

  • Nate

    February 5, 2023 at 4:56 pm

    Having a culture where you feel like failure brings shame is something that really pollutes an environment, especially in a place that needs/wants to be experimental and be willing to try new things. I have found that ACOP has been really great at having a gracious and encouraging culture to try new things and embrace failure.

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