Home Forums ACOP Vision and Culture The Ethos of ACOP

  • The Ethos of ACOP

    Posted by ECO on March 21, 2022 at 4:12 pm

    Respond in paragraph format to the following prompt(s):

    • What factors pollute the environment of an organization?
    • What words would you use to describe the ethos of ACOP? Why?
    Zach replied 1 month ago 17 Members · 16 Replies
  • 16 Replies
  • Zach

    December 18, 2024 at 12:17 pm

    Things that can pollute the atmosphere of an organization are things like mistrust, suspicion, control, selfishness, and self-seeking. These things can be systemic within an organization, slowly introduced, or the product of negative abrupt changes. I think it is very import to guard and protect the ethos of an organization as it can silently kill, mis-direct, and subtly choke out its effectiveness if it is not healthy. So far, in my brief engagement I have found the character of the ACOP to be deeply supportive, engaging, and accepting. I really love what was said about grace and power, and a belief that when God’s grace and power is present, anything is possible, yet all are safe and welcome. Thats’ a unique combination of factors that can be catalytic for great things.

  • Jaylen

    September 12, 2024 at 3:20 pm

    I would agree that the ethos of ACOP is more relational, at least from what I’ve seen. Of course I haven’t been in much of the ACOP or in their circles, but from my experiences it would be relational. One event I can draw from is the most recent Conference. There I saw a strong culture of focus on discipleship, and really at its core discipleship is relational. So that is what I see in ACOP.

  • Kimberly

    September 4, 2024 at 4:06 pm

    Factors that pollute the environment would include lack of communication, gossip, unforgiveness, distrust, taking advantage of others, and being closed off to new members. A polluted environment is something that not only isn’t safe to be in, but it stops people from wanting be a part of – and if there is a lack of respect and trust it would definitely deter people from wanting to be a part of the fellowship.

    From my experience with ACOP I would use the word family as a descriptive word. I have had the privilege of joining two ACOP conferences now and they have been incredible. It has been so cool to be the new person in a group and feel so accepted, and encouraged in my ministry work. My experience in an ACOP partner church has been the same. My family struggled to find a church that felt like home until we joined an ACOP church. Immediately we knew we belonged there and have made friends that we can share our faith with way deeper than we have been able to before.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    August 30, 2024 at 3:39 pm
    • Some factors that pollute the environment of an organization are lack of trust, miscommunication, unclear guidelines, and broken relationships. With these things, an organization cannot fully thrive as it struggles to work past organizational issues before achieving organizational goals.
    • I have not been a part of the ACOP for as long as some others have, but the number one thing I have noticed about the ethos of ACOP is intentional relationships. I have met many people who are very intentional about wanting to get to know you, encourage you as a leader, and continue to grow with you as you flourish. I echo what was said in this video about their being a “relational air” about the ACOP, and I think it is such a beautiful thing.
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