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  • Kimberly

    September 3, 2024 at 12:09 pm
    Rank: Level 2

    I personally see prophet as lacking in our community. I have seen an uprise in teachers and apostles, highlighting teaching and guiding. I think that the “guarding” aspect could be focused on more though. It is so important to have the guard included in the walk with the guide. They may be mistaken for each other at times but it is vital to have both – especially for people new in their faith.

  • Jaylen Hodges

    September 12, 2024 at 2:05 pm
    Rank: Level 1

    I think we are lacking in evangelists. Now this is not to say we are lacking in street preachers (although maybe we are), but rather I believe we are lacking in how often each individual person is actually investing time in trying to share the Good News with other people. I think it’s easy to tell ourselves that “its not the right time to really tell them about Jesus” or “I’m playing the long game here”. I believe that these things can sometimes be good, but also we must be eager and ready to share the gospel, and be sensitive to God’s Spirit on that matter. If we really are modeling after the apostles, they were probably very bold in the way they shared the gospel, we should have a smidgen of that as well.

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