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  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    June 19, 2023 at 4:43 pm

    Prophecy is lacking in the church today. There has been quite a bit of fear for those who have the gift to exercise it. In the past this gift has not necessarily been welcomed. The Canmore Accord is changing things by bringing acceptance to all the gifts. If there is accountability to the leadership of the church, prophecy can be a great blessing to the church.

  • Chris

    June 8, 2023 at 1:44 pm

    I think that the Apostolic and Prophetic gifts are most lacking in the church today. The Canmore Accord addresses this by stating that the fivefold ministry gifts are valid and equally important.

    I haven't received different teaching about the fivefold ministry, however I do know Christians who do not believe that some – such as the prophetic – are valid today.

  • Taliya

    May 28, 2023 at 4:23 pm

    I think evangelism is a part of the fivefold ministry that is most lacking in churches today. The churches I grew up in always had great intention for evangelism and reaching out into local communities to share the gospel, but the plans were hardly turned into action. Ive experienced wonderful teachings and have had great pastors and there was even a lots of room for the prophetic in church, but I’ve only ever experienced the gift of evangelism outside of the local church. But I think the Canmore Accord is addressing this lack by recognizing that all these gifts of the fivefold ministry are important and there needs to be room made for each one to be expressed.

    Growing up, I was a bit oblivious to what the fivefold ministry was. Looking back now I can see contexts I was in that were operating in the fivefold ministry like Street Invaders, but I think I unknowingly felt distanced from it. Now, after learning more about it, I see that the practice of the fivefold ministry can be very personal and I can participate as just being a member of the congregation. Like Wes Mills said, we don’t operate in the gifts of the fivefold ministry because we’ve accepted the title, but we just operate in the gifts God has given us and through that are a part of the work of the fivefold ministry. I thought it to be a lot more prestigious and structured growing up.

  • Sarah

    May 17, 2023 at 5:32 pm

    I think that the role of the prophet and evangelist are still lacking in today’s church. Although I see teaching and pastoring happening often in churches as well as vision series popping up dedicated to apostolic vision, the presence of prophecy and evangelism still feel like once a year type focuses with a guest speaker. However, I am proud to say, as someone who has been taught at Eston College and worked in ACOP ministries since 2012, the five fold gifting has been taught and highlighted to me over and over again. I think that is largely due to the Canmore Accord and the faithfulness of the ACOP to recognize the five-fold ministry.

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