Home Forums EB: Outreach: Evangelism and Discipleship Responding to the Shortcuts Critique of Movement Missiology

  • Taliya

    February 10, 2024 at 5:24 pm
    Rank: Level 1

    The “Discussing and Catalyzing Movements” article had some great insights on movements and the concerns brought up by No Shortcuts. I can understand the criticism of No Shortcuts and agree with the responses towards it. There are many different structures in which people are taught how to do missions and they all have their strengths and weaknesses. But the points brought up by No Shortcuts did sound like they were very rooted in traditional Western ministry and I see the benefit of letting go of those ways and adopting the strategies of movements that focus on Biblical principles.

    The critique I found most troublesome was the one that implied leaving a group of new disciples to read the Word together can lead to heresy. Truthfully, the desire for control in me has caused me to think similarly. When I’ve gone through the DMM steps in training, I would think something like “okay at this point I’d like to reconnect with the group to make sure they haven’t gone off the rails.” There was somewhere in this lesson that stated that people who think that way aren’t realizing or trusting that God can speak to His people through His Word and the Holy Spirit can give understanding. I think it would be valuable to continue in relationship (maybe mentorship) with the leaders of new discovery groups, but I also now know that it is not my job to control their growth and understanding.

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