Home Forums Leviticus Priesthood: Caring for Each Other

  • Priesthood: Caring for Each Other

    Posted by ECO on February 23, 2022 at 9:18 am

    Respond in paragraph format to the following prompt(s):

    • As you think of the three elements about being a holy priesthood discussed in the lesson, (serving others even when it's difficult, conducting ourselves so that others know who God is through us, and searching out right teaching), which of these areas are you seeking God's guidance and growth in your current context?
    Karry (Karen) replied 2 years, 2 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Karry (Karen)

    January 4, 2023 at 9:39 pm

    I am in a season of God teaching me allot and one of the things is to lean in when things are tough. Although I do not always act in a Godly way I try hard to cause I know others are watching how I walk through this. Wow, right teaching quite a few years back when I had a surgery and was at home I traveled the internet to see what was there for teachings. Oh my is all I can say – I am fortunate I am surrounded by a church that stands on the word because I did not fall into the empty holes that you can fall into and have your head swirling with a mixture of lies and truth entwined together. Also thankful my church family has allot of good resources and that is what lead me here last year taking a eco course with my church family.

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