Home Forums ACOP Vision and Culture Objectives and Strategic Initiatives

  • Merodee

    May 3, 2024 at 10:08 am
    Rank: Level 1

    I have been challenged learning about each of these Strategic Initiatives. I can’t say that I think there is a “most important” initiative. I think they need to work together. I will highlight Advocating for Church Vitality. As ACOP works to develop and release effective church leaders we also need to be encouraging towards effective and healthy churches. When our local churches are re-vitalized spiritually; when governance models are understood and cherished; when local and global mission and vision are inspired; when culture is infused with the fruit of the Holy Spirit then churches are ready to receive and work with effective leaders.

  • Emma Hodges

    August 24, 2024 at 4:17 pm
    Rank: Level 2

    In my opinion, the most important strategic initiative in accomplishing ACOP’s mission of “developing and releasing effective leaders and healthy churches who transform communities?” is engaging and deploying next-generation ministries. I think this because to develop and release leaders, you need to have people from the next generation coming and being shaped by existing leaders. If there is no engagement from the next generation, there will be no future for an organization and there will be no leaders able to be sent to accomplish the goals of developing healthy churches and transforming communities.

  • Kimberly

    August 27, 2024 at 4:14 pm
    Rank: Level 2

    While I believe that each component is vital in its own way, I believe that leadership development is crucial. I movement and revival could not stand without skillful leaders. The way a leader holds themselves, responds to followers, and handles conflict can be dentrimental to a group. It is very important that leaders are sent out fully equipped for their mission, and prepared for whatever may come up.

  • Jaylen Hodges

    September 11, 2024 at 5:21 pm
    Rank: Level 1

    It seems to me that the inderlying principal which each of these initiatives has a flavor of is essentially “Disciple Making”. They are all centered around ensuring that we are self-sustaining, continuing into the next generation, expanding self-governing churches across the globe, and training leaders in a way that they can also train other leaders. All of these things are designed to make sure that we don’t get snuffed out when the active ministers of today die off, and that is an incredibly essential model to consider in a fellowship, or really any relational part of your life. Make sure it multiplies!

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