Home Forums ACOP Vision and Culture Objectives and Strategic Initiatives

  • Objectives and Strategic Initiatives

    Posted by ECO on March 7, 2022 at 4:24 pm
    Respond in paragraph format to the following prompt(s):

    Which Strategic Initiative do you think is the most important in accomplishing ACOP’s mission of “developing and releasing effective leaders and healthy churches who transform communities?” Why? The current objectives are listed below:

    • Leadership Development 
    • To Engage and deploy next Generation Ministries
    • Advocate for Church Vitality
    • Global Expansion
    • Church Multiplication
    Juma replied 3 days, 1 hour ago 22 Members · 21 Replies
  • 21 Replies
  • Jordan

    April 21, 2022 at 10:37 pm
    Rank: Level 1

    While I think a good argument could be made for any of these to be the most important, I will pick Leadership Development. With God working through leaders that have been developed well each of these other things will happen more quickly and effectively.

  • Karlena

    August 25, 2022 at 3:19 am
    Rank: Level 2

    I believe that Leadership Development is the most important objective—every other strategic initiative requires equipped and empowered leaders to come on board and help facilitate the initiative. In other words, engaging and employing next Generation Ministries, advocating for Church vitality, global expansion and church multiplication all require leadership.

  • Kylie

    October 6, 2022 at 9:28 am
    Rank: Level 1

    I believe all these are of value and significance, having to choose one as priority I would choose engaging and deploying next Generation Ministries. If you are raising up the next generation and discipling them you are raising more leaders who will bring vitality to the church, who will go to the nations, and transform communities. Once again all these initiatives are so important but I think this one will pour into all the others.

  • Rachel

    October 6, 2022 at 9:47 am
    Rank: Level 1

    I think Leadership Development may be one of the most important. Timothy in the Bible had some kind of mentorship with Paul who was able to encourage and train him. Today, I believe that ACOP is doing a wonderful job training leaders. I had the pleasure of taking a Leadership mini-semester with Pastor Chris Westby, and it opened my eyes to all the things I would have never thought of when it comes to leadership and ministry. I believe that Leadership Development is vital to the future of ACOP and God’s Kingdom.

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