Home Forums ACOP Vision and Culture Mission and Vision of ACOP

  • Melanie

    August 3, 2023 at 8:25 am

    Extending God's grace locally would include the workplace, friend circles and in ministry. By extending grace in every day interactions we can change the world around us. Extending grace is walking alongside those that are in your circle of influence. Being an encouragement and being patient are part of extending grace. When you do this you see people for who they truly are.

    Culture is the result of the mission and vision statement being clearly communicated and carried out. As people understand the vision and mission statement of their organization they can view what they are trying to achieve through that lens, which changes the culture around them.

    Apostolic teams are important because they are sent intentionally. There is no hap hazard sending. Teams are sent with previous knowledge and understanding of what they are walking into. They go with wisdom.

  • Chris

    June 5, 2023 at 2:55 pm

    I think one way of extending God's grace is understanding that people are at different places in their walk with the Lord and choosing to be intentionally relational and non-judgemental with them in spite of that.

    I think the vision provides a picture of where things are headed, and the mission provides the practical tools, training and direction as to how to get there. There is also strength in the organization walking united in the same direction.

    I believe that apostolic teams are important, as they empower and equip the body of Christ to walk in their giftings, while at the same time, offering correction, direction and accountability. Apostolic teams walking in the anointing seek to strengthen others and ultimately the Kingdom as a whole – their greatest successes are often seen in others.

  • Chris

    May 30, 2023 at 12:43 pm

    I think to extend God’s grace in my local context is to understand that people are in different places in their knowledge of and walk with the Lord and accordingly to live a life that demonstrates patience and a welcoming attitude while also representing the love and light of Jesus.

    The vision and mission provide the organization a clear idea of where things are headed, while also providing practical ways to get there. By the organization being on the same page, it provides greater strength and effectiveness through unity.

    True apostolic teams are kingdom-motivated and exist to equip and empower others. Their greatest accomplishments can often be found in the success of others and the organization as a whole.

  • Sarah

    May 16, 2023 at 2:59 pm

    Respond in paragraph format to the following prompt(s):

    • "ACOP is a global movement of passionate people extending God's grace and igniting hope in every community." What does it mean to extend God's grace in your local context? How about globally?

    I believe that I can extend God’s grace in my local context in a number of ways. Jordan mentioned how leadership is the catalyst, and I think that I can show grace to the youth and worship leaders I am leading so that they can in turn share it with the people they are walking with day to day. I also think I can do this by asking myself (like Wes mentioned), how did Jesus show grace? I can see that Jesus cared for the sick, saw people that others walked past, helped people walk in new beginnings and so much more. I think I can do this in the church I work in but also around 17th ave and the community around the church. In my current context, I think I can do this globally by advocating for and making space for globally workers as well as supporting them prayerfully and financially. Finally, even within CFG we have so many different cultures and people groups represented, so I think I can show grace globally by being more intentional with the global community that is right at my front door.

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