Home Forums ACOP Vision and Culture Mission and Vision of ACOP

  • Merodee

    May 3, 2024 at 9:30 am

    Respond in paragraph format to the following prompt(s):

    "ACOP is a global movement of passionate people extending God's grace and igniting hope in every community." What does it mean to extend God's grace in your local context? How about globally?

    How do the vision and mission affect the culture of an organization?

    Bill Johnson says "Apostolic teams are not necessarily made up of just apostles and prophets. They are a group of people that carry an "apostolic mission" without selfish agendas. They are sent by leadership, entrusted with delegated authority to establish God's rule in their realm of experience and expertise. When they go with that heart they carry an apostolic anointing because they function under the umbrella of apostolic authority." Why are apostolic teams important?

    We live in a small rural community. I think one of the significant ways that we extend God’s grace is by living life with others. When the Family lives in the over-flow of Jesus; then their every-day lives become ways of extending God’s unmerited kindness and favour to others and our community. When extending God’s grace to our community becomes our vision then being God’s grace becomes our mission.

    People smarter than me have proven that people act from their belief system. We do not act our way to right believing. We believe our way to right acting. If we believe in a godly and community-changing vision and mission then our actions will create and sustain a culture in kind.

    Apostolic teams are so important because they are God’s idea. God’s ways are higher than our ways and his thoughts are higher than our thoughts. The Biblical model of the Body of Christ is Christ as our head and all believers forming up his Body (an apostolic team). We now just adapt this model in smaller communities to work as part of the larger whole.

  • Lorna Anne

    April 14, 2024 at 9:45 pm
  • Extending God's grace in your local context is by knowing your surroundings, being a light in my work place, being kind, caring and being a Christlikeness. Being a good community member in my community that shine . All in all be a good servant , willing to serve and share love. It's hard thing to do without the help of the Holy Spirit.
  • The vision and mission affect the culture of an organization because, an organization without vision is nothing. The vision is the picture of an organization and the Vision of an organization is from the Lord. ACOP vision statement is so powerful. It's extending Gods grace and igniting hope in our mission's field. We have the vision and mission follows. "Without vision the people will perish. " Lord Jesus ,give us vision in the ministry and help us to follow the mission of our organization.
  • What is Aposolic Team- the leadership of our organization. It is very important be a part of Apostolic Team because, they are the one guiding us, mentoring us in our walks in Jesus ,giving advices, they develop ,train and release workers in the mission field. Apostolic Team is needed because, as leaders we need to build up one another, strengthen one another,encouraging one another in the ministry. We are Team member to carry God's call in our life.
  • Melany

    December 19, 2023 at 5:21 pm

    As someone who was incredibly broken and lost, for me it is being that person who can love the same broken and lost soul (the way I was loved by my leaders) despite where I found myself. That isn’t condoning sin, but loving despite mistakes and ‘seeing it through’ till transformation happens, and beyond, with love, direction, correction but also honesty and integrity to the Word and what it says about how we should live. Globally it means the same, but will look different as I have a large following online that I am able to influence, which i do by teaching on practical matters of the heart condition, among other things.. always pointing to Jesus

    It doesn’t matter what the vision and mission is, if the culture is not healthy

    Apostolic teams are important because they carry not only the vision of God’s heart for change in all these different regions and countries, but also the anointing to see change come about. To equip the right leaders, recognize problem areas, implement solutions and extend love, grace and hope where it is needed most.

  • Margie

    September 14, 2023 at 12:58 pm
    • Bill Johnson says "Apostolic teams are not necessarily made up of just apostles and prophets. They are a group of people that carry an "apostolic mission" without selfish agendas. They are sent by leadership, entrusted with delegated authority to establish God's rule in their realm of experience and expertise. When they go with that heart they carry an apostolic anointing because they function under the umbrella of apostolic authority." Why are apostolic teams important?

    Extending grace to others is reflective of how Jesus has shown grace to me and all of us. He treats us better than we deserve, but it’s also the empowerment behind this that is so incredible. His grace gives us the ability or power to do incredible things, such as having love for an enemy, hope in a hopeless situation, sufficiency when in lack, etc. So, extending grace to others is also empowering them to overcome, to forgive, to pull the best out of people, etc.

    Vision and mission affect the culture of an organization by defining the purpose of the organization and instilling a sense of belonging and identity by giving the people a direction and common goal to be working towards.

    Apostolic teams are important because they are called together by God to advance the kingdom and glorify God. They are influencing the world with the Kingdom of Heaven.

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