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I would say that mentoring has taken place in all of the contexts mentioned (except, perhaps, working on a construction site😀). Basically, mentoring has occurred in everyday relational moments when someone cared enough to spend quality time with me and just to be real about who they were and open/honest about real life and their experiences. One of those people was Lorne Pritchard. I will never forget long talks together on the phone, or in his office, or over lunch. I will never forget his prayers, words of encouragement and affirmation, his wise counsel, his laughter and his tears–or even the sound of his booming, yet gentle voice. He had a true pastor’s heart and continues to be an inspiration to this day. Another person was a Jamaican sister in the Lord named “Veronica” who was at People’s Full Gospel Church in Surrey. She taught me how to open my heart to receive love and how to love others–just through numerous acts of kindness as well as spending a great deal of time discipling me in the word of God.
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