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Mentors and the A-Team
Posted by ECO on March 29, 2022 at 9:48 amRespond in paragraph format to the following prompt(s):
- The A-Team mentioned that mentoring took place in many different contexts i.e. while travelling in vehicles, working on a construction site, while having lunch, while drinking strong tea, working together in ministry. In what context has mentoring taken place in your life?
Anna replied 2 weeks, 5 days ago 14 Members · 13 Replies -
13 Replies
At the beginning of this lesson I thought that I had not really been mentored before, but as Wes and the A-Team shared I realized it has been quite the opposite. I have had the privileged of being mentored by a long list of people over the past 20+ years; sometimes over coffee, sometimes over the phone, and sometimes over the internet. I have had people help me with almost every aspect of my life and for that I am very thankful.
I had a really great mentor, Rev. D. Karl Thomas of the Apostolic Church in Canada. He had a saying that went something like, ” I do, you watch. We do together. You do and I watch.” He gave me many great opportunities to get involved in ministry, to take risks, make mistakes and learn from him in real time. He would take me to meetings, let me speak, share his stories and life lessons, and share with me about family, decision making, and general life stuff not just ministry. I think giving me so much time and access, and allowing me to be part of what he was doing in ministry really helped shaped who I am today. The ability to learn, to try and fail,. and grow while someone has your back was so important.
I’ve had the priveledge of doing lots of programs that have formal mentorship built into them. So for me they were scheduled meetings. At ywam, my DTS leader was a great guy, and he really led in a very relational way. He felt like a friend, well, he was a friend, and he always approached with a caring and genuine heart when he’d mentor me.
Another mentor I had was the director of OMEGA. Who is a very smart, drive, and passionate guy. He was very good at articulating advice for me and I would always bring him theological concepts or discipleship esk questions for us to discuss together. He has said many tidbits that I certainly live by today. -
Mentoring has taken place in many areas of my life. I think the most common would be over a cup of coffee chatting or while travelling. My husband and I love to host people over for dinner, and when we first moved 8 hours away from our home town a few years ago and found our now home church, we made a goal of having one new family/person over for dinner each weekend. We found so many people that have poured into us by doing this, and have had such amazing conversations over food that ended up shaping our family life and transition into our church so deeply. I have never had one specific mentor who had the formally designated label, but I have many Godly people in my life that have taught me so much about living life as a Christian who loves people.
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