In a self-governing church the role of the ACOP and Regional Directors is to provide spiritual covering and support. I like what Jordan said about helping the ministry leaders at the churches to know and engage in the call of God and help equip and serve in that way. The Partnership Agreement, as opposed to shared policy in a more centralized organization that I have been familiar with, seems to not only be necessary but freeing. I think that when relationships built and sustained through legally binding documentation and shared policy, in a centralized way across vast geography, that can lead to relational and operational difficulties. However, a Partnership Agreement that starts off with recognized shared values and convictions, that helps define relationship and bring clarity to expectation and roles. This clarity and recognition is freeing, but also guiding and restraining. The restraints seem though to be those of vision, in what looks like the restraints of a mutually chosen relationship and not binding legal documentation. This done well and in the right spirit seems very healthy.