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  • Language Learning Theological Takeaway and Plan

    Posted by ECO on July 26, 2023 at 10:20 pm

    Respond to this topic by expanding on your main Theological takeaway and one action point you can start practicing today to improve or refresh your own language acquisition. Also, which “Mini Mission(s)” are you most excited about trying?

    Jaylen replied 1 month, 2 weeks ago 6 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Jaylen

    November 22, 2024 at 5:23 pm

    The most interesting theological concept for me is how language learning is completely tied to cultural learning. So, if we are intending to love people well, and are giving up our lives to go and share the gospel with them, then language learning is completely essential in that process. How can we understand someone on a relatable level if we can’t read the nuances behind what they say? I think to conversations I have here in Canada; if my mentor was completely unaware of how I communicated in between the words I say, he would have such a shallow understanding of what I was getting at. The same would be true if we didn’t make every effort to understand cultural communication in the places we are going.

    The Mini Mission that interests me is talking to people and asking them questions about their country or what their favorite things are. People don’t normally go up to strangers and ask questions here in Canada, but I think if we did people would be more receptive to it than we put on. I always say that the best way to make conversation is to ask intentional questions, especially ones that would leave the receive feeling like they/their culture is appreciated. I think a lot of good can come out of doing something like this.

  • Emma Hodges

    October 25, 2024 at 3:03 pm

    My main theological takeaway is the importance of learning the language of the context you are going into because ultimately this is how you can share the gospel with others. That is the whole point of missions! I think one action point that I can start practicing today is trying to learn some basic phrases (hello, goodbye) just to help get the language learning ball rolling. I’m not sure which mini mission will fit best in my context, but I like the idea of going up to 5 people and asking them questions to get to know them. I think this will be very helpful in language learning and in relationship building.

    • Daycee

      October 29, 2024 at 2:44 pm

      You had a question about the language manual for Turkey vs your destination. The language learning model you will be using in East Africa will be very unique and you will develop the skills needed once you get there. In the meantime they can, as most workers do, start with the Duolingo app. Most of your LCA will happen in you first year as you will be landing in Mombasa, Kenya for about 11 months of LCA, Training and prep. If you do want to look at a more extensive field manual for LCA let men know and I will send you one.

  • Hugh

    August 19, 2024 at 10:23 pm

    I absolutely believe that language brings people together and that it is the heart of God to create community and love one another well – which is done so effectively through language exchange. I have studied around 10 different languages now and the “breath of fresh air” I recognize people have when I am able to simply say hello or have small talk with someone of a different culture has always stood out to me. People are created for connection and we get excited when that linguistic wall that was separating people of different cultures gets chiseled away. To improve my own language acquisition, I will surround myself as much as I can with people of my target language who do not speak my native languages to force me into a space where I have to use what I know. For mini missions, I have been wanting to be able to use proverbs and idioms in Turkish! I hear native speakers using it often so I want to be able to as well.

  • Taliya

    August 13, 2024 at 6:34 pm

    Learning a language is not just to be able to get by. A lot of cultural understanding will also come with learning language which is pretty cool! The best way to do that is through immersion and taking every opportunity to speak and learn from mistakes. A new action step I can take today is start listening to Turkish music. Get used to the sound of the language and make note of any repeated words. Something I’ve already done is learnt a few vocabulary words and use then with Hugh whenever the opportunity comes up. Some mini missions I’m excited for is reading a children’s book, finding 3 favorite Turkish songs/bands, and asking how much a 1 month membership costs at a gym.

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