Home Forums Intro to Pastoral Ministry Gathered, Spirit-filled and Shalom-Bringing

  • Gathered, Spirit-filled and Shalom-Bringing

    Posted by Shenay on January 30, 2023 at 10:46 am

    Discussion reflection questions (150-200 word paragraph for each question, please)  

      • Why is gathering an important part of being the church?  
      • How does understanding the ancient near eastern background of Genesis 1 & 2 inform your understanding of being filled with the Spirit?
      • What are some specific ways pastors can lead and facilitate the gathering, Spirit-infilling, shalom-bringing life of the church?
    Dawn replied 10 months ago 4 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Dawn

    May 6, 2024 at 4:17 pm

    1- Gathering is important, we as a church can share Jesus, have fellowship together as Jesus’s family

    2- Pastors can help by encourage members to help with out reach, missions, holding fellowship, potlucks, bible studies.

  • Lorna Anne

    December 4, 2023 at 9:20 am

    Bringing souls to Christ, walking beside them to a Christ cantered life into a higher calling of God means discipleship.

  • Lorna Anne

    December 3, 2023 at 11:27 pm
      • Why is gathering an important part of being the church?
      • How does understanding the ancient near eastern background of Genesis 1 & 2 inform your understanding of being filled with the Spirit?
      • What are some specific ways pastors can lead and facilitate the gathering, Spirit-infilling, shalom-bringing life of the church?

    – Gathering is so important part of being a church because we are one body of Christ. We are to build,encourage , strengthen one another and grow in the Lord.

    – Genesis 1 and 2 inform my understanding of being filled with the Holy Spirit because God created us in his own image. It was the Spirit of God that created the universe out of nothing.It was the Holy Spirit of give us strength and courage.

    The Specific ways Pastor can lead and facilitate the gathering spirit infilling , shalom, bringing life of the church by allowing the peace and unity of the body of Christ.Jesus is our Prince of Peace in the sinful word. We need Jesus to help us as we minister in the body of Christ.

  • Abayomi

    July 14, 2023 at 5:25 pm

    Gathering is a tangible reminder to us that we are called to a common embodied community life together as human beings.

    Genesis 1&2 clearly makes me to understand the Spirit of God is God Himself, particularly in the; creation story, the creation of man and other species. Jeremiah 1;5, informs me of my understanding of being filled with the spirit.

    Pastors can lead the gathering through the threefold office of Jesus [prophet, priest, king] as a pattern for our own pastoral ministry as we follow Jesus as a church.

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