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  • Kimberly

    September 4, 2024 at 4:35 pm
    Rank: Level 2

    I think the idea of leadership capacity makes a lot of sense. A person’s effectiveness leading a group relies heavily on them being confident in their task, and some people do not have the confidence for leading large groups. As for myself, I am very confident leading a small group, but doubts can seep in when I am leading a large group. I do believe that with training and mentorship I could increase my leadership capacity though.

  • Jaylen Hodges

    September 12, 2024 at 3:37 pm
    Rank: Level 1

    I would be very pessimistic to think that I cannot develop my leadership skills. Everyone can, and everyone should be, everyone starts from a different place, and everyone excels through that journey at a different pace.
    For me I think I can develop my leadership skills by being a learner through the experience of being a leader. I think different opportunities should always be learning opportunities and if you are very vigilant about soaking up and stretching yourself as much as you can you will come out with more character and skill that you could have had if you didn’t put that much effort in.

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