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  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    June 23, 2023 at 9:13 pm

    Leadership capacity should not hold you back from doing what God has called you to do. You could minister to a large congregation by cultivating leaders within your church to care for people and the leaders you are cultivating are the ones you are leading. Being aware of our capacity ensures we don't burn ourselves out by trying to take care of everyone and focusing on what we have capacity for.

    You can increase leadership capacity. Seeking God's direction would be first on my list, and based on what I've learned I would then increase my influence by getting out in the community I live in and meet new people from all walks of life. This has been so rewarding and has opened me up to impacting people I would not have met staying in my usual circles.

  • Chris

    June 12, 2023 at 11:07 am

    I agree that not all leaders will have the same capacity, and I further agree that we can all increase our capacity and become better leaders.

    I absolutely believe that I can increase my leadership capacity. One of the main areas of growth required for me personally is to stop trying to do everything myself! I tend to avoid working in groups, as I often find it easier to just do things myself. But as a leader, I must look for opportunities to allow others to get involved in order for them to grow as well.

  • Taliya

    June 10, 2023 at 4:16 pm

    What Wes Mills said about people having a different leadership capacity took a weight off my shoulders. In high school I was always told I could be a great leader. I was in a leadership role at a summer camp after that and had an awful experience. I then decided I was not equipped to be a leader – that I didn’t have the personality for it. But Now learning that being a leader means having influence and having the characteristics of spirituality, casting vision, understanding my strengths and weaknesses, and so on has helped me to see that I am a leader. And I am a leader with a smaller leadership capacity. I see the influence I have in small circles, so I know I can operate in leadership in that environment. But I would struggle to have influence over even a group of 30. The concept of leadership capacity helps me to not disqualify myself from leadership.

    Because this concept if fairly new to me, I don’t see a way I can increase my leadership capacity presently. Possibly in the future, but I wouldn’t know what steps would be needed for that until I better understand being a leader in this stage of my life.

  • Sarah

    June 2, 2023 at 11:39 am

    Leadership capacity is something I did not understand for a long time. I believed that capacity was about discipline and determination alone and not actual limitations that are Biblical and healthy. As a result, I never stopped to ask myself “what is my leadership capacity” or “what is the capacity of those around me.” I have often been told I have a high leadership capacity; however, I think more often than not it is because I have pushed past my capacity into burnout in order to prove that to be true. The idea of a leadership capacity has been a very helpful thing for me to understand because it allows me to appreciate what I am able to give and what others are able to give in a healthy way without pushing each other’s boundaries or leading to disappointment because of false expectation. Nevertheless, I appreciate how Wes describes how to grow your leadership capacity where we can be honest about what we can handle, but we can continue to grow to take on more and increase our leadership ability.

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