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  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    August 31, 2024 at 3:54 pm
    • The idea of leadership capacity is something I don’t think I learned enough about until recently. I am the kind of person who leads from behind the curtain, leading small groups and impacting small amounts of people. At the stage I am at right now, I would not be able to lead groups of 1000 people effectively. It can be hard to compare your leadership capacity with those around you, especially if they seem to get more recognition or praise for their leadership gifts. However, I have come to realize that there is a need for people with lower and higher leadership capacities. Within the body of Christ, there needs to be people who illustrate these different levels of leadership. I think it is important to know your leadership capacity and always try to grow that capacity by growing with Christ.
    • I definitely think it is possible to increase my current capacity as a leader. I think some practical steps I can take to grow my leadership capacity would be to put myself in more situations out of my comfort zone and be more intentional about receiving Christian mentorship. It is easy for me sometimes to let other people be the leaders, but it is important for me also to grow my leadership capacity.
  • Melany

    July 11, 2024 at 8:21 pm

    To increase personally I would need to be far more patient and gracious. I still fail daily in these areas but I know when I’ve missed it and can immediately repent and I believe that that is key to growing

  • Melany

    July 11, 2024 at 8:20 pm

    Truthfully I like to believe that God won’t put limits on someone. I see the example given but I also know the power of God. I don’t think He calls anyone to be small.. I think we get stuck at small because we refuse to let Him work in those areas that would increase our capacity.

  • Lorna Anne

    April 25, 2024 at 9:55 pm

    Leadership Capacity.As we learned that "Everyone has influence so everyone is a leader".As Jesus called us to make disciples, God is calling us, we have weakneses, that's why we need Jesus. Walk in the Spirit,as the Holy Spirit is our teacher. As we follow Jesus in our life, he will lead us ,we grow in him. As a leaders, we need to embrace the servanthood. Humbleness and willing to learn /teachable spirit. Be comfortable with God who created us and calls us and use the gift that he entrusted to us.

    We can increase our capacity as a leader by drawing ourselves to Jesus. Faithfulness ,obedience as Jesus molding us. If we are faithful in small things ,his desire is multiplication. -We need to know ourself,we need to practice lifelong learning, walk in the spirit,grow in your sense of calling, empower others,and aiming open to new ways of doing things.

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