Home Forums ACOP Vision and Culture Credentialing in ACOP

  • Micah

    October 6, 2022 at 10:15 am

    Clarifying expectations is essential in any professional relationship (and important in most relationships). It not only provides accountability, but also allows you to understand the motives, values, processes and goals of the other party. In the case of ACOP credentialing, this commitment allows the credential holder to be more in touch with the vision and mission of ACOP while still being able to bring their own unique perspectives and approaches. Though it sometimes appears like an unnecessary formality, it is beneficial in every way to ensure a good relationship as well as accountability.

  • Kylie

    October 6, 2022 at 9:41 am

    It is important to define the relationship you have with ACOP because then on both ends the expectations and responsibilities are clearly understood so that both parties can move forward in community and relationship that can be clearly comprehended. Credentialing as quoted above is like puling on the jersey, you understand you are part of the team and what that requires of you, and your coaches and teammates also understand they are coming alongside you to both give and receive; support and encouragement, and take on the common mission together. The benefits of holding credentials with ACOP to me is being part of the tribe. Knowing that you are walking among brothers and sisters with passion and desire to pursue God and His mission for His people and you all are holding each other accountable.

  • Karlena

    August 25, 2022 at 3:38 am

    Defining the relationship is important for several reasons. First of all, it clarifies level of commitment and this goes in hands of expectations of relationships. If the relationship is not clear, the expectations will not be either and this could lead to misunderstandings and other problems. Defining a relationship is part of good communication and COMMUNICATION is probably one of the most vital elements of any good organization. Defining a relationship is also liberating because it allows individuals to focus on what they actually need to do and for responsibilities to be efficiently and properly delegated and understood—which, of course, facilitates good stewardship and use of resources.

    The benefits of holding Credentials with ACOP include being part of a team, accountability, offering one another counsel/prayer support/fellowship, and the opportunity to grow personally and as a as we work together in God's global mission. There is strength and safety in numbers—strength in the combined experiences, wisdom, understanding, insights of ACOP members.

  • Jordan

    April 21, 2022 at 10:54 pm

    Relationships without definition are awkward and confusing. I think most of us could imagine, or have experienced, what that’s like with romantic relationships. We don’t want to live or minister in that place of ambiguity and credentialling is the way to define a relationship with ACOP.
    Accountability and relationship are two of the primary benefits of holding credentials with ACOP.

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17 of 20 replies October 2022