Home Forums EB: Understanding Culture CQ Assessment Discussion


  • CQ Assessment Discussion

    Posted by ECO on July 25, 2023 at 4:38 pm

    Based on the assessment you received from your CQ Pro Assessment respond to both of the following points:

    • List at least one of your CQ capabilities that is a strength and provide an example from your life that demonstrates this capability.
    • Share at least one CQ capability you can grow in. Also describe how you plan to improve these capabilities over the next few weeks, months, and further (if helpful).
    Taliya replied 2 months, 1 week ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Taliya

    July 11, 2024 at 1:57 pm
    Rank: Level 1

    One of my CQ capabilities that is a strength is awareness. This means that I can sense the cultural perspectives of myself and others. I have seen this in my travels, in my relationship with my husbands family, and in my friendships with people in the LGBTQ+ community. I know that the values and beliefs I have that influence how I think and act come from my cultural background. Likewise, these people I interact with have different cultural backgrounds from myself, so I am aware that their perspectives will be different from mine. I like to understand those differences more and learn from those interactions.

    A weak CQ area is speech acts. This means that I have a hard time modifying the manner and content of my communications. This one came as a shock to me because I thought I was more culturally sensitive in how I communicated than this test indicated I was. But thinking on it, I haven’t really had too much of an opportunity to learn the communication norms of other cultures. I’ve only ever visited other countries briefly, and in my interactions with people from different cultural backgrounds in Canada, I’ve always communicated in a way that is very Canadian. The only time I really noticed a change in how I communicated was in Nunavut, I would pick up the accent of how people spoke there to communicate better. But the majority of my experience has been communicating the way I was raised. I don’t understand certain nuances yet in non-verbal communication for other cultures, like if body language is really important or not. I will definitely need to know this for moving to and living in a new country. I don’t want to accidentally offend someone and ruin a relationship just because I didn’t realize how my communication affected the conversation! I plan to ask people I know well from that culture to teach me some unspoken rules about communication, and after the first few interactions with people, I would like to reflect on if/how I can improve my communication awareness for next time.

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