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Posted by ECO on September 27, 2023 at 8:12 pmWhat have you learned about Church Planting Movements / Disciple Making Movements from this topic? Which principle(s) stood out to you as most essential? Any important insights from the book A Testimony to All Peoples?
Daycee replied 3 months, 1 week ago 5 Members · 5 Replies -
5 Replies
The principle that stuck out to me was Principle 5: “Each disciple is given a vision both for reaching their relational network and for extending the Kingdom to the ends of the earth with a prioritization on the darkest places (with a "no place left" mentality). They are equipped to be able to minister and partner with others in the Body of Christ in both of these environments.”. I think that this principle stuck out to me because in order for the gospel to progress into difficult places, there needs to be an emphasis on reaching those who have never heard. This can only happen when this vision is clearly presented to new believers and they grasp a heart for this vision to be accomplished.
What I have been learning about DMM/CPM’s is that they are different then most other methods of doing missions. A lot of different missions methods are quite dependent on the missionary, but this method takes the pressure off in a way and leaves it up for the Lord to move in Indigenous believers lives and get them to continue to disciple people in their community.
Yes! multiplication movements can’t just rely on a handful of missionaries, it has to move beyond that first generation and “out of their hands,” it’s both exciting and a bit scary.
The principal that stood out to me the most was Principal 1. They are all great, arguably all fundamentally important actually, but especially principal 1. I say this because it is one that is easily forgotten. We can forget that we don’t start things, it’s not “our” ideas, or “our” ambition that furthers the kingdom, but conversely God’s sovereign hand, and our submission to Him which is the only effective way to continue the Great Commission. At the same time, I don’t think it’s inherently wrong to get inspired and start things, because sometimes God initiates his movements by simply giving us ideas in a very mundane way. Still, the reality of submission to God remains essential in that equation regardless.
The book was very insightful and it was cool to read this topic from the perspective of reporting as well as teaching on a movement. Things are happening, and we are expectant for more!-
great thoughts! and yes, hearing stories of what He is doing today is always inspiring
Principles 2,4,6 and 7 stood out to me as the most essential. These highlight the foundational ideas that 1) it is important to be applying what is learned in scripture to actually be living it out and seeing many generations of disciples rather than just being a consumer, and 2) that none of this could happen outside of the power of the Holy Spirit. I think these two principles point us to living out what God is doing.
I’d say that’s been the main thing I’ve learned about CPM/DMM. God has a plan, we step into that through obeying His word, and sustainability happens by the Holy Spirit/the Holy Spirit enabling us to be obedient and not from human wisdom and efforts.
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