Home Forums ACOP Vision and Culture Bible Camps and ACOP Culture

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    June 26, 2023 at 2:24 pm

    Camps have played an important role in my life as there have been significant times of inner healing and even ministry opportunities in being a counselor myself. Those times at camp brought me to a deeper relationship with God, with deeper levels of intimacy. As a counselor I saw the same things happen with the kids in my cabin as they opened up in ways they had never done before.

  • Chris

    June 12, 2023 at 11:48 am

    The Pentecostal Movement started out with camps and tent meetings and in that way, it is connecting to our past heritage. As mentioned in the video, the Jewish people spend a week each year celebrating the Feast of Tabernacles wherein they remember how their ancestors spent 40 years living in tents in the wilderness. As Christians, we can connect with both of these parts of our past by attending Bible Camp!

    I have attended Bible Camp as a child and as an adult with my own children. I have always enjoyed camp and have felt that some of my most impactful times with the Lord have been at camp. There really is something to be said about unplugging from the world and spending quality time with God, family and other brothers and sisters in Christ!

  • Taliya

    June 10, 2023 at 4:39 pm

    Adult and family camps have provided a special opportunity for deeper spiritual connection with those closest to you. Compared to teen camp where a teen would grow in their faith with their peers, but maybe not have the same experience outside of camp, family camp allows for spiritual growth within the family and that environment can be carried on at home after camp. Parents also have a lot of influence in the family, so if the parents can be apart of the spiritual growth that is happening in their child’s life, there is a better chance for that spiritual growth to be nurtured at home.

    Bible camp has been a huge part of my life. I grew up going to Veteran Camp and it has been a wonderful time of connection, mentorship and spiritual growth. I hope to continue going with my family in the future.

  • Sarah

    June 2, 2023 at 12:35 pm

    I never went to Bible Camp but I did Street Invaders which I feel falls under the same idea and structure. If it were not for Street Invaders I would not be in ministry today. I would have likely walked away from my faith at 18 and there is no way I would have attended Eston College had it not been for Street Invaders. I owe it to the Lord, but he used Street Invaders in a very meaningful way for me to show me who I am, who he is, what what he has called me to be. I am so grateful for camps and programs like Street Invaders as they have impacted so many lives.

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