I had learned about the baptism through some books my grandma had given me, written by a rather forceful preacher who insisted that the manifestation could only occur in the manner he described. As I sought the baptism for months, one day a friend of mine laid hands on me and prayed. Nothing happened, but as I walked away strange syllables of another came to mind. I dared to utter them as I walked down the road, and as I did incredible joy broke out and I laughed my way down the street babbling in tongues. Later however, I successfully talked myself out the experience, believing it did not represent a full or proper measure, as it had not happened the way I had been instructed it would. I went on a foolish mission of seeking for months, including a 3000km pilgrimage, only to discover I had already received what I was after. When I rested in that, tongues became a very important part of my faith, and a marked increase in love and power were present in my life.