Home Forums ACOP Vision and Culture ACOP Values

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    June 17, 2023 at 1:06 pm

    I was struck by the vulnerability to share so deeply about their intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit. The intimacy is something I really relate to. When I talk to people this is a huge area of struggle for so many people. I have considered it may be because they get filled or baptised with the Holy Spirit and think they are done. Several of the director's mentioned daily infilling and I believe it is only when we are daily in intimate communion with the Holy Spirit, allowing Him to fill us and empower us that we can accomplish all that Jesus has set before us.

    I resonate with all of them, however the ones that God has focused my heart on for some time is loving God and loving people. Love is so powerful. It can engage people in a way nothing else can. There is a reason the scripture says God is love.

  • Chris

    June 8, 2023 at 11:25 am

    What I got was that it is that walking in the fullness of the Spirit is an on-going integral part of who they are, not just something that they switch on or off.

    The values are all important, but I resonate most with Loving God and Loving People, as they are the greatest commandments. Without love, we have nothing.

  • Taliya

    May 17, 2023 at 3:23 pm

    Needed the fullness of the holy Spirit to fuel our day and to know God’s voice were some insights from the A-Team that resonated with me. In my personal experience, walking daily with the Holy Spirit has given me so much strength I would not have been able to muster up on my own. I appreciate that ACOP values life with the fullness of the Holy Spirit because there is so much fullness of life, knowledge of God, and giftings that we can experience.

  • Sarah

    May 16, 2023 at 4:32 pm

    The internal value I resonate with is that relationship trumps geography. I really appreciate the value of people over program or procedure in the ACOP and I feel personally that I have benefitted by ACOP leadership and their willingness to walk with me even from afar. The external core value that I resonate with is justice tempered with mercy. I really appreciate the way this is written. It is not just justice, or just mercy, and it is not even justice and mercy, but rather the value of how these two can go hand in hand as we walk with people and walk out our faith.

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