Home Forums ACOP Vision and Culture ACOP Values

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    August 30, 2024 at 12:01 pm
    • Two things that I really liked from the conversation about the fullness of the Spirit are that fullness in the Spirit requires an admission of our need, and it is directly related to an intimate relationship with God. I think it is easy sometimes to not admit that we need the Spirit to do our missional work, but the reality is we need the Spirit in every area of our lives. I also liked that it was mentioned how fullness in the Spirit is related to an intimate relationship with God. In order to fully live our lives in the Spirit, we need to intimately know and love God with every part of our being.
    • Two values I resonate with are relationships trump geography and creating a culture of honor. I really resonate with the fact that relationships trump geography because personally, a lot of my close community does not live in my city. I have had close friends move away and I have also moved away so it is important to foster those relationships no matter the distance. I also resonate with this as I look ahead to a career in overseas missions. Creating a culture of honour resonates with me because I feel it is very important to honour each other and honour those in leadership as well.
  • Kimberly

    August 28, 2024 at 12:54 pm

    I really enjoyed the insight about relating the fullness of the Holy Spirit to kids – and how they should not be limited in their expectations of who He is and what He can do. I think this is a great way to remind ourselves about living in the fullness because our kids, the kids in our church, and our communities, will see if we put limitations on what God can do and it will impact them.

    I really love the value that we are better together. Where more than one gathers in the name of the Lord, there He is. Powerful things can happen when people gather together. Not only can people’s energy about God fuel revival in another person, but people have different viewpoints and processing, which can be so beneficial when it comes to making things happen for the kingdom of God.

  • Merodee

    May 3, 2024 at 12:52 pm

    Respond to the following prompt(s) in paragraph format:

    • The A-Team members commented on ACOP's Value for the Fullness of the Spirit, what insights did you get about this value from their comments?
    • Which other values do you resonate with? Why?

    As the Apostolic Team members commented about the Fullness of the Spirit I heard of Holy Spirit’s three-fold ministry. Some commented to the “with” ministry of Holy Spirit. They spoke of being aware of the abiding presence of the Spirit. Some commented of the “in” ministry of Holy Spirit. Not only is Holy Spirit with us, He is in us. He checks us, leads us, guides us. Others talked of the “upon” ministry of power.

    I enjoyed listing to the team talk about the preeminence of Jesus. I am glad that is a core ACOP value.

  • Lorna Anne

    April 19, 2024 at 3:09 pm

    I enjoyed the sharing of all The A Team members shared. They are all unique in their Values for the Fullness of the Spirit. Mostly all of them shared about the relationship with Jesus and the Holy Spirit dwelling in their lives. As a followers of Jesus, we always need to be aware of the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives, level of intimacy, dependence on God, seeking God, that we can experience how big, powerful our God is and lastly, we need to adopt the spiritual gifts

    Values i resonate with in my ministry is before you share who Jesus in our lives, we need to experience first. It's hard to share Gods healing if we never experience in our lives. Let's see and taste the goodness of our God and them share to them. I've seen and tasted the power of prayer in my lives. I can witness to them because i experience it.

    Before we do things, we need to ask God, what would you like to speak to your people because we are his vessel.

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