Home Forums ACOP Vision and Culture ACOP Narrative Commentary

  • Sarah

    May 16, 2023 at 4:16 pm
    Rank: Level 1

    It is important to distinguish between core beliefs, doctrinal distinctives, personal beliefs and personal opinions because if we disagree on core beliefs, we may not even believe in the same God or in Jesus as saviour. As a result, we could fundamentally disagree on what our faith is, not just how we should live it out. However, if we just have a different is personal opinion, we likely can still walk together and disciple people together quite effectively based on our core beliefs. All of these make up a personal and fellowship level identity, and thus they are all important, but differences in conflict or importance if we disagree on these different pieces vary greatly between these four distinctives and so they must be defined separately.

  • Taliya

    May 17, 2023 at 2:56 pm
    Rank: Level 1

    It is important to distinguish between core beliefs, doctrinal distinctives, personal beliefs and personal opinions because if something like personal opinions get confused as dogma, the denomination may be subject to theologically incorrect teachings and beliefs. It’s so important to remember what is non-negotiable truths like fist order beliefs and whats just personal opinions so that there is minimal confusion in the church and more unity. I am familiar with ACOP’s statement of faith but have yet to further look into the Narrative Commentary.

  • Chris

    June 8, 2023 at 11:07 am
    Rank: Level 1

    It is important to distinguish between core beliefs, doctrinal distinctives, personal beliefs and personal opinions, because by putting too much weight on one, or not enough on another, we can easily get off track. It is more important to have fellowship and be in unity than to argue about personal beliefs and opinions. While on the other hand, core beliefs such as the deity of Jesus, should be non-negotiable.

    I have looked at the Narrative Commentary and have found it to helpful and I appreciate how clearly it spells things out.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    June 17, 2023 at 11:13 am
    Rank: Level 1

    It is important to differentiate between core beliefs, doctrinal distinctives. personal beliefs and personal opinions because you do not want people treating personal opinions in the same way they would treat core beliefs. Additionally, you would not want people saying that core beliefs are not as important as they are. Personal beliefs can differ and we can still have unity, but when someone differs with the doctrinal distinctive or core beliefs they should evaluate either their beliefs or their affiliation. The narrative commentary has brought clarity on the Statement of Faith and biblically backed up their stance on each point.

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