Home Forums ACOP Vision and Culture ACOP as a Fellowship

  • Karlena

    August 26, 2022 at 8:29 am

    Well, I must say that this is the first time that I have learned that ACOP has defined itself as a "Fellowship" and I find it extremely refreshing. I have served in various denominational structures over the years (e.g. Christian and Missionary Alliance; PAOC) and, of course, there are many differences. One key element is that a "Fellowship" is an empowering interdependent dynamic in which individual members are encouraged to participate and "come on board" as co-labourers in Christ. Too often in hierarchical structures, for example, a small group make all the decisions, plans all of the activities (and so on) and, as a result, members develop the attitude that mission or disciple-making is for clergy or missionaries. Christian life can become quite stale in these contexts, when individual members cannot be challenged to be all that God is calling them to be in their families and communities. As I reflect on what God wants to do here in Italy, of course a major contrast is the Roman Catholic Church which I think reflects an extremely hierarchal authoritative structure with very centralized power. A major problem is that if the message coming from "the top down" is not a clear (or accurate) gospel message, then all members are lead astray. A "Fellowship" creates a completely different dynamic. It keeps accountability at a relational level, with Jesus Christ as the Head of His Church.

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