Home Forums Legacy of ACOP 5.3 Mission, Vision, and Values of ACOP

  • Allan

    January 4, 2023 at 6:01 pm

    Well everything that God has put on my heart to do for “ministry” is about creating hope. Its creating the need to have hope and to ability to look at our situation and see that God loves and has purpose so I can embody hope and live it out everyday

  • Rachel

    October 5, 2022 at 2:37 pm

    I can see myself extending grace and igniting hope when I’m at youth group in Eston. Its a place where they can be themselves, and experience Jesus. I love having the opportunity to meet them where they are at. Most of them are not saved, and so the opportunity to show grace when they feel like they’ve slipped up or failed is always there. I want them to know that Eston is not the beginning and end. I want them to know they are loved and can be free from all the burdens they are carrying.

  • Kylie

    October 5, 2022 at 1:40 pm

    As a staff and part time student at Eston College my main community is the student body and the town of Eston. This year we set goals with the student leadership team on ways we can serve and love on the town both partnering with EFGC but also just with members of the town. These goals were practical things that so far we are achieving. With outreach trips every 3 weeks our community has also grown and extended into other towns and provinces. I believe my roles in accomplishing those two visions is by just asking Jesus how to love people well myself within the students and sparking intentional conversation where I can pour encouragement and love onto them, and also in my walks/errands around town doing the same of the townies. My second role I believe is also in discipling the young women here at the college so that they will do they same both in town and in their travels this year.

  • Caleb

    October 4, 2022 at 11:09 pm

    In my own community, I think I can see myself “extending God’s Grace” and “igniting hope” in everyday life. When I encounter unbelievers I can show love while interacting with them and I can refuse to ridicule them for things they may be doing wrong. People of the world should be judged by the worlds standards if they don’t know Christ, not by God’s standards because that’s what they know. I can also extend gods grace by showing forgiveness to any wrongdoing against me in my life, doing my best to not hold a grudge or seek out revenge. God gave his grace freely to all out of love, so I should do my best to love them however I can.

    Igniting hope can be done through relationship. God came to save everyone, so it should be in my best interest to tell anyone I can about the Hope of Jesus Christ. My life can be a living example that there is in fact more to this world, whether that be through sharing the gospel or simply living a set apart life as testimony.

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