Home Forums Legacy of ACOP 5.3 Mission, Vision, and Values of ACOP

  • Lorna Anne

    April 9, 2024 at 7:10 pm

    "extending God's grace" and "igniting hope" is a great mission statement.

    How can i apply that in my community,is asking God to fill me with Gods love in my heart and always connecting with Jesus and the grace of God will overflows through me. Igniting hope by,always studying the word of God, seeking Gods will and hope will encrease through me and i can encourage people to have hope in Jesus.

    He is good, stronghold in time of troubles.

    Loving God is loving others .

  • Melany

    December 18, 2023 at 8:36 am

    Our ministry is evangelical, the main focus being on seeing the lost saved. However, many call on the Lord for Salvation, but never truly make Him their Lord and King. We focus, by/through teaching, on helping people to live fully and firmly with both feet in the Kingdom, truly allowing their minds to be transformed and become real disciples of Jesus and not just a ‘badge Christian’ (someone who calls themselves a Christian but lives like the rest of the world)

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    June 9, 2023 at 10:21 pm

    This has been something that God has been working in me for many years. Loving people exactly where they are at for exactly who they are. This is challenging when people come into your life who are difficult to love. It takes me thinking about what God must love in them for me to shift my perspective and begin to let them in. It is then that I have the opportunity to share my story and allow the truth of God's incredible love and grace ignite hope within their hearts. I am not always successful with the shift and other times it may take longer, but it is always worth it. I only need to be obedient the results are up to God.

  • Chris

    May 24, 2023 at 12:24 pm

    By trying not to be judgmental of people that I may disagree with, while at the same time, standing for truth. By being empathetic to where people are at or what they are going through, but also gently pointing them in the right direction – sometimes more by actions than words.

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