5.2 – Faithful Prayer
Posted by ECO on January 21, 2022 at 2:24 pmRespond in paragraph format to the following prompts:
- What has been your experience of prayer and healing?
- Do you come from a tradition where you anoint with oil or not?
- Ever been in a place where you've experienced God's healing power?
- What is the role of confession and forgiveness in Christian community?
Lorna Anne replied 1 year, 3 months ago 3 Members · 4 Replies -
4 Replies
I've been experience the power of prayer and healing in my Christian walk with Jesus. I've seen and tasted Gods goodness in my life
Yes, i came from a tradition where we anoint with oil.
Ive experienced Gods healing power in my sons life. Sept 1,2023 my son got
Into accident. A truck run over him, broken femur, shattered bones in his wrist , tailbone and cracked shoulder blades. We're in the hospital for 2 weeks, and he's a living miracles.
The role of confession and forgiveness is a must in a Christian community. We can't serve God without confession of sins/ admitting sins and the result is forgiveness.
Confession + forgiveness =healing
My experience of prayer and healing has been a true learning experience. It has both strengthened and even at times challenged my faith.
I do come from a tradition where we anoint with oil.
I have definitely been in a situation where I have seen and experienced the healing power of God. It is such a beautiful and powerful time.
The role of confession and forgiveness in a Christian community is what I believe is a part of the foundation. Nothing can destroy a community more quickly than being hurt by words or even action and then letting it fester inside. Many times, I have found that when communication is open and honest and brought before the Lord together, there is healing and even can bring people closer together. It keeps our eyes focused on the Lord and serving Him.
@dostapyshyn thanks for this response. It is interesting how the different answers in these forums can impact me based on the order I review them. For example, just before I read your comment I responded to two others about a question regarding division in ACOP’s history (regarding Frank Small’s separation with the PAOC). In that forum, people were reflecting on what good might come from the split, but I find it hard to believe that is God’s preference for his church. Instead, I want to believe that God prefers unity over division. If this is going to be the reality for the church today, I think you are absolutely right that confession/forgiveness is the foundation that encourages unity.
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