Home Forums Teach us to Pray 4.6 – Hymns of Revelation

  • 4.6 – Hymns of Revelation

    Posted by ECO on December 17, 2021 at 11:46 am

    Think through the following prompts and then respond to whatever stirs your heart (in paragraph format):

    1. As you consider a timeline of events in the book of Revelation, when is this song sung by the saints? (HINT: Before, during or after the Great Tribulation)
    2. Why do you think the context is so important in this case?
    3. What has just happened in the narrative and what is just about to happen in the storyline that makes this song so powerful?
    4. What influence and impact do you think this song has on the progression of the narrative of this book? 
    5. Can you think of any other biblical stories where a song released the judgments of God?
    ECO replied 3 years ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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