Home Forums Legacy of ACOP 4.4 ACOP’s Church Planting Strategy

  • Chris

    May 24, 2023 at 11:15 am

    It would seem as though it would not be indigenous if it does not self-propagate. I suppose it would be linked more to the work and influence of an outside source as opposed to being able to reproduce on its own. Reminiscent of a disciple vs a disciple-maker.

  • Nicole

    April 22, 2023 at 7:29 am

    No, by this definition the church would not be an indigenous church because it has not rooted and multiplied.

  • Caleb

    October 4, 2022 at 3:51 pm

    Technically no, if a church does not self-propagate then it is not an indigenous church because the church has only been discipled by someone foreign. It isn’t until the church takes the great commission for itself and practices it in its own indigenous culture that it becomes an indigenous church.

    Part of the beauty of the Gospel is that its pervades all social, ethnic, cultural, and class differences. Every church should strive to spread the Gospel into the culture around them and even other cultures, because we are all God’s Children and every human being is made in His image. Every church plant should be taught to disciple others in their own culture and spread it to their own people.

  • Kylie

    October 4, 2022 at 11:30 am

    By that definition it would not be. It is easy for churches to place visions and goals for their own growth and stabilization and temporarily or more consistently forget about the important step of church planting, of making disciples who make disciples. There will always be more on the checklist of “things to be done before thinking of expansion” but the truth is our call is not to just make one pretty building and fill it with Christians but to go out and make disciples.

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