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4.2 Service to the “Least of These”
Posted by ECO on August 9, 2021 at 3:56 pmConsider your giving beyond money. Where is your time going? If you find that you are too busy and too committed to cultivate relationships or to serve the sick, imprisoned, displaced, or impoverished, consider tithing your time. What would removing yourself from 10% of your commitments look like so you could find Jesus among the "least of these"? Share your reflections in a paragraph.
Lorna Anne replied 1 year, 3 months ago 4 Members · 4 Replies -
4 Replies
Consider your giving beyond money. Where is your time going? If you find that you are too busy and too committed to cultivate relationships or to serve the sick, imprisoned, displaced, or impoverished, consider tithing your time. What would removing yourself from 10% of your commitments look like so you could find Jesus among the "least of these"? Share your reflections in a paragraph.
We are all sinners, saved by the love of Jesus to give us hope and a future. To be a witness. Now it's hard to witness with out action.
We are the instruments of God by giving off what we have. Called stewardship. Being faithful in time, money.
I am a full time worker, I booked off my time to serve the Lord. I know he will provide my needs. If we give our life to Jesus, he will take care of you.
Actually, this lesson has made me to know that giving is beyond money. Expending time for the, Least of These, is also important.
One should have, Preferential option for the poor, yes, God loves us equally, but He reserves special care for the poor.
Because a hard heart toward those, the least of these, is a hard heart toward Jesus.
Thanks to Jesus for His teachings, love, compassion and credible examples.
@RLumasag thanks for sharing. This was a very vulnerable post and I admire you for your willingness to reflect in public–it will help give others the permission to be open too.
When we interogate our hearts to see if we are serving the “least” of these as Jesus would, the answer will most likely be, not to the extent that Jesus did! Nevertheless, as Christians we believe that Jesus loves it that you care enough to ponder this issue. Remember, even a small thing done in Jesus’s name is still worthy in his eyes. We can’t let the scale of the need scare us from doing something. To me, it sounds like you are a serving within the church a lot, but don’t have much time outside of that space….from a distance, I want to say, that is not always a bad thing. Sometimes we need to start serving in a safe place before we have the confidence to serve in more challenging spaces. The risk, of course, is that we never want to leave the safe space.
God bless you for your willingness to ponder this question!
I grew up in a Christian Family, I witness how my Dad serve God through the churches without demanding much return. Even if it’s hard for him, as long as it is for God, he was willing to sacrifice. Which also brings me in the position to be servant-hearted.
But this lesson gives me the opportunity to ponder, “What about outside the church?” Do I still have that servant-hearted, willing to give and to sacrifice to others even if they are unlovable?
The word “Qualifier” stuck in my mind. Because it is true, mostly I help with conditions, I give with conditions and I love with conditions. I admit, I spent lots of my time doing for God inside the church or in the Christian environment, but I don’t have time to share God’s love with the imprison because my heart full of conditions will keep holding me back. I don’t have time to pray and visit someone at the hospital because I don’t know them and I don’t have the heart to help my relatives because of how they treat us before and thinking they will just abuse me.
I was really amazed how Jesus loves everyone unconditionally, more specifically to the least. Even if those people maybe chose to turn their back to Him, still He was in great concern for them.
Thankful to God for His discipline and teachings with love and gentleness.
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